Best DIY Gel Blaster Target Ideas
While shooting your mates with gel blasters is far more fun, sometimes that option isn’t available because you’re stuck at home. Even so, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy practice with targets. Shooting these can help you improve your aim and test new equipment.
But what should you shoot to improve your skills? This article runs through some ideas. We look at various gel blaster targets and how they can help you improve your game and dominate the next time you’re on the battlefield.
Bottle Target
Shooting glass bottles with a gel blaster can be fun. These targets make for a satisfying experience, as long as you don’t mind clearing up the mess afterwards if you accidentaly break them.
Of course, if you don’t want to deal with broken glass, you can also use plastic bottles. These offer slim silhouettes, making them a great option for more advanced shooters looking for targets of a different shape.
You could also fill bottles with water and see if you can get them to pop after shooting them. Lining them up for Western-style speed drills is another option. It’s your choice!
Soda Cans
Tin cans are another choice. These offer a satisfying “clang” on impact, making your shots feel more physical.
And unlike bottles, there’s no risk of them smashing. You can reuse them as much as you want, without having to clear up any mess.
You can also play with differently-sized cans. Targets could include everything from mini spam tins to giant cans of baked beans for restaurants.
Remember to use a backstop if you use tin cans. You don’t want errant shots or bits of metal ricocheting off the targets and coming back toward you.
DIY Paper Targets
Paper targets are another option for a DIY gel blaster target. These are much more fun because of their customisability. Paper is inexpensive and available everywhere, meaning you don’t need to order special materials to set up these targets. You also get instant feedback – it’s obvious where your shot landed.
For example, you could design your target by drawing a bullseye on it, aliens, monsters, or even someone you don’t like! You could also include distance from target zones to track your shots over time and get better.
When creating paper targets for gel blasters, use multiple sheets glued together. The thicker the target, the more punishment it can take from repeated shots (and the more use you’ll get out of it).
You can improve on this by giving paper targets a cardboard backing. Mounting paper with some cardboard on the back can help them last longer and lets you swap out used sheets for new ones, if necessary.
On this point, you might also include various interactive elements on paper gel blaster targets to add some interest. Nothing’s stopping you from attaching balloons that pop when you shoot them, or little figurines.
Weighted “Knock-Down” Targets
Weighted knock-down targets are another option. These are satisfying, just like glass bottles, but you can reuse them as many times as you want, and the danger is lower. Many enthusiasts love filling boxes with sand, making them harder to shoot over.
You can use pretty much any container you have lying around for weighted knock-down targets. Old milk cartons, water bottles, and product packaging are all passable ideas. Just be sure to add the correct weight. Knocking over targets should be hard, but not impossible.
Balloon Targets
We already mentioned balloon targets in passing in the paper targets section, but they can facilitate practice in their own right. While they provide a satisfying pop when struck, they also make training more interesting and can increase your ability to hit moving targets as they sway in the wind.
Resetting Targets
Making self-resetting targets is more challenging, but also more rewarding. Devices that topple over when struck and then wheel around to the upright position avoid the need to take breaks between rounds. Furthermore, the challenge can also be higher because of the unpredictability of the self-resetting mechanism.
For this reason, we reccommened going with one of our cost effective return target systems: https://www.gelballundercover.com.au/products/electronic-return-target-system
The simplest resetting targets are similar to rocking chairs. The force of the gel blast tilts them backwards and then they reset upright again.
More complicated targets often “click” into a new position when struck, setting you up for a different shot type next time. So-called “multi-position reset” means you never quite know what you need to hit next.
Electronic Targets
Electronic targets are an even more advanced version of conventional resetting targets. These topple over when hit and then return to their original position using motors or gears, setting you up for the next shot.
Creating DIY shooting targets is time-consuming and eventually you run out of things to aim at. But with electronic targets, there’s no limit. Targets keep popping back up.
Some electronic targets come with eight-digit displays showing you your real-time score. This way, you can keep practising against the clock and improve your skills over time. Electronic targets can go anywhere in your backyard, giving you and your friends a fun way to spend a lazy afternoon.
Themed Targets
Themed targets are another cool DIY gel blaster target concept. These help you tell a story while you practise.
For example, themes could include:
- Zombie hordes
- Deers, bears & turkeys
- Cowboy showdown
You can have fun for hours creating these, painting or drawing them how you want, or print images and stick them over cardboard backings and boxes.
Biodegradable Targets
Finally, consider using biodegradable targets, one of the most original concepts on this list. These reduce the environmental impact of gel blasting and prevent shooting practices from causing ecological harm.
For example, you could make biodegradable targets from paper made from recycled pulp. You could also use recycled plastic bottles as shooting targets – whatever’s comfortable.